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This biennial award is conferred by the University of Louisville to acknowledge, publicize and disseminate outstanding ideas and achievements in research related to the science, engineering, technology and commercialization of renewable energy. Nominations may address a wide range of topics involving renewable energy and energy efficiency with a demonstrated or clear potential global impact. The award is designed to recognize and reward the impact of specific ideas or achievements, rather than a lifetime of achievements in the field.

The Prize

The Leigh Ann Conn Prize in Renewable Energy consists of the award of a medal and a cash prize of $50,000. The prize is awarded biennially on odd numbered years. The prize was established in 2012 by Hank and Rebecca Conn in memory of their daughter, Leigh Ann.


Ideas eligible for nomination may have an individual author or multiple authors; however, the total cash prize will be shared in the case of multiple authors. The competition does not limit the format in which the idea or achievement appears. Consideration will be given to documentation appearing in printed books and monographs, articles published in scholarly journals, technological advances, software, research reports, conference presentations, patent documents or other widely and publicly disseminated forms. Consistent with the intent of prize benefactors, Hank and Rebecca Conn, the award will not be given posthumously. 

Hank & Rebecca Conn, Leigh Ann (inset)

© University of Louisville by Feral Fagiola

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