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The Nomination Process 


The University of Louisville invites nominations from throughout the world by individuals, professional associations, university administrators, publishers or editors of journals and books, and scientists, entrepreneurs, technologists, and engineers, including those working in national laboratories. Self-nominations and nominations from or for individuals holding appointed or elected political offices will not be accepted.

Nominators must submit the following:


     1. A two-page letter in English identifying the specific idea/accomplishment being nominated, the author(s) of the idea/accomplishment, and why the idea and its impact merits consideration for the award recognition.

      2. A current mailing address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address for the nominee(s).

Deadline for Nominations


Nomination letters will be accepted from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024 for the 2025 competition. Applications received later will be considered for the 2027 competition.

Supporting Materials for Review


Additional supporting materials will be requested directly from the nominee(s), and nominees will be sent a nominee agreement explaining the award conditions. Each nominee must then submit the following supporting materials. (All in English; note that items 2-4 must be submitted in electronic format)


  1. A signed copy of the nominee agreement

  2. A one-page statement describing the candidate’s significant achievement and the impact on renewable energy

  3. The nominee's curriculum vitae

  4. Supporting documents (publications, reviews, etc.)

  5. A techno-economic analysis impact statement for the achievement

  6. A statement regarding commercialization, or potential commercialization, of the idea for widespread implementation in the world


Download 2025 Nominee Agreement (PDF)

Deadline for Supporting Materials


All supporting materials for the nomination listed above must be received by December 31, 2024.

Criteria for Judging Nominations


Nominations will be subject to administrative review for completeness and responsiveness to the call for submissions, then judged on the basis of overall impact considering various factors: economic impact through renewable energy innovations, the extent of addressing grand challenges, originality, creativity, scientific merit and breadth of global impact on energy consumption and demand reduction, and commercialization.

The Review Process


Applications to the Leigh Ann Conn Prize for Renewable Energy competition are screened by an internal review committee, which consists of distinguished members of the University of Louisville faculty and staff. This committee selects applications for further consideration based on listed criteria. Those selected advance to review by an international external review committee comprised of eminent people from industry, academia and national labs. The external review committee assesses all supporting materials using listed criteria, then selects appropriate applicants for final consideration by the Leigh Ann Conn Prize for Renewable Energy Board. This board will recommend one (or no) award winner from the nominee pool to the president of the University of Louisville, who confers the award on behalf of the university.

Awardee Requirements


The winner of the Leigh Ann Conn Prize for Renewable Energy will be publicly announced in fall of that competition year. In addition to requirements specified on the nominee agreement, acceptance of the award requires in-person delivery of a public address at the University of Louisville that conveys the importance and impact of the winning idea. Winners must also participate in community and campus events associated with the award ceremonies. See prize Nominee Agreement (above) for additional terms and conditions. 

© University of Louisville by Feral Fagiola

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